About journal
Since 2005, the University publishes the scientific-theoretical journal «Vestnik of Ulyanovsk state agricultural academy».
The edition is registered in Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications. Certificate of registration: PI № FS 77 - 75896 from 13.06.2019 year.
The publication has an international standard serial number (periodicals) periodicals (ISSN) 1816-4501.
Vestnik of Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), as well as in the RSCI Core and the list of authoritative scientific publications ("white list"), which is used to assess the performance of scientific organizations (teams) according to formal criteria. All scientific articles are assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
Journal is included in the List of Russian peer-reviewed journals, in which the basic scientific results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences must be published in the following scientific spheres and fields:
4.1.1. General agronomy and crop production (agricultural sciences),
4.2.3. Infectious diseases and animal immunology (veterinary sciences),
4.2.3. Infectious Diseases and Animal Immunology (biological sciences)
4.1.2. Selection, seed production and plant biotechnology (agricultural sciences),
4.1.3. Agrochemistry, agricultural soil science, plant protection and quarantine (agricultural sciences),
4.2.1. Animal pathology, morphology, physiology, pharmacology and toxicology (veterinary sciences),
4.2.1. Animal pathology, morphology, physiology, pharmacology and toxicology (biological sciences),
4.2.2. Sanitation, hygiene, ecology, veterinary and sanitary examination and biosafety (veterinary sciences),
4.2.4. Private animal husbandry, feeding, feed preparation and livestock production technologies (agricultural sciences),
4.2.5. Breeding, selection, genetics and biotechnology of animals (agricultural sciences),
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries (biological sciences),
4.3.1. Technologies, machines and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (technical sciences),
4.3.2. Electrical technologies, electrical equipment and power supply of the agro-industrial complex (technical sciences)
The journal has a citation index RISC. On the official website of the Scientific electronic library www.elibrary.ru ou can see both the common citation index of the magazine as a whole, and the citation index of the individual authors
The scientific-theoretical journal «Vestnik of Ulyanovsk state agricultural academy» publishes articles, reflecting the contribution of scientists in different branches of agrarian science. The journal contains scientific articles of doctoral candidates, postgraduate students and researchers.
Libraries of higher educational institutions of Russia are subscribed to the journal. Every year the number of subscribers increases.
All manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff are reviewed by at least two members of editorial team for the expert assessment.
Editorial staff shows the reviews of all the authors of the manuscripts. Since 2011, the journal «Vestnik of the Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy» is included in the catalogue of « Subscription» (index PP)681), published four times a year. The scientific edition has a site in the Internet. In a free access at the address: http://vestnik.ugsha.ru is there is the information about the members of the editorial team with the indication of their scientific degrees and scientific ranks, the rules for authors, contents of issues and information about the authors in Russian and English. In addition, the full-text version of the journal is posted in the site http://www.elibrary.ru Information about the published articles is regularly provided in the system of Russian index of scientific citation.
All the publications of the journal contain annotations, keywords, abstract in Russian and English, bibliographic lists in a single format established by the system of the Russian index of scientific citation. In each journal there is the information about the authors in Russian and English with the indication of their work place, positions and contact information. Rules for the submission of manuscripts are regularly published in the journal and strictly observed by the editorial team. The publication of the manuscripts by post-graduate students is free. In case of refusal to publish the author's materials, the editorial staff send a reasoned conclusion.