Khlynov Dmitry Nikolaevich

Хлынов Д. Н. 

Was born on July 4, 1986 in the village Karsun of the Ulyanovsk region.

In 2006 he graduated from the art school named after А.А. Plastov in the direction of design and graphics.

Since 2007 he works as a technical editor of the scientific-practical journal «Vestnik of Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy».

In 2008 he graduated from the Ulyanovsk state agricultural Academy with a specialization in «veterinary medicine».

In 2008, he entered in postgraduate study on a speciality 03.00.03 «Microbiology».

Since 2011 Dmitry Nikolaevich started teaching activities at the Department «Microbiology, Virology, epizootology and veterinary-sanitary examination».

Area of scientific interests: development of immune-enzymatic diagnostics of listeriosis, development and improvement of biosensor for determining pregnancy of animals.