Larionova Olga Sergeevna

         Ларионова О.С.

doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, head of the department "microbiology, biotechnology and chemistry» of Saratov State Agrarian University

Was born on March 24, 1976 in the city of Rtishchevo, Saratov region.

In 1998 she graduated with honors from Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov with a degree in Veterinary Medicine.

In 1999, she entered the postgraduate course at the Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Medicine of the Saratov State Agrarian University. During her postgraduate studies, she completed a scientific internship at Hebrew University in Rehovot, Israel on the topic "Dairy and beef cattle breeding and other veterinary aspects".

In 2003 she completed candidate dissertation on the topic "The role of milk and meat in the transmission of listeriosis infection", receiving the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences.

In 2012 , she defended her doctoral dissertation in the following specialties: 03.03.01 - "Physiology", 06.02.02 - "Veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, mycology with mycotoxicology and immunology" on the topic "Ways to optimize homeostasis and microcenosis of bees when keeping families in hives of various types". In 2013, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

From 2014 to the present, she has been the head of the Department of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Chemistry of the Saratov State Agrarian University. Actively engaged in pedagogical activities, including lectures for graduate students in biotechnology and for foreign students in English on veterinary microbiology and mycology, veterinary virology, clinical microbiology, veterinary biotechnology, immunology. Over the past ten years, 26 teaching aids have been developed, 10 of them in English.

Currently, under the leadership of O.S. Larionova, a promising scientific direction is being actively developed on the use of protein and biologically active substances of insects for the prevention, treatment of animal diseases and improving the efficiency of animal husbandry.

To solve the global global problem of protein deficiency, for the first time an original author's method of obtaining feed flour from the biomass of M. domestica larvae with an increased protein content and improved amino acid composition was proposed.

In collaboration with colleagues of the Federal Research Center for Virology and Microbiology and others, an important contribution was made to the development and improvement of modern methods of diagnosis and molecular genetic analysis of pathogens, including such important zoonotic diseases as leukemia, chlamydia, viral immunodeficiency of cattle.

Olga Sergeevna Larionova has been a member of the expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for Zootechnical and Veterinary Sciences since 15.05.2018; is a member of the Interregional Microbiological Society; an international-class expert of the National Center for Professional and Public Accreditation; an expert of the Skolkovo Foundation in the field of Biotechnology in agriculture and Industry.

Olga Larionova is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 30 papers indexed in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Author of 7 monographs, 10 patents. The Hirsch index in the RSCI citation system is 13, Scopus is 4. The number of citations from publications on – 607.

The number of citations from publications included in the RSCI - 1908; Hirsch index for publications in the RSCI - 30.