Zakharov Vladimir Grigorievich
doctor of agricultural sciences, leading researcher, head of the breeding department, Samara Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture |
In 1990 he graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy of the Ulyanovsk Agricultural Institute with a degree in "Scientist agronomist". In 1991, he was hired in the breeding department of the Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture. In 1997 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the specialty breeding and seed breeding on the topic: "The length of stomata in connection with the selection of spring soft wheat for yield." Since 2002, he has been the head of the breeding department. In 2014, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences on the topic "Methodological aspects of the selection of spring soft wheat in the Middle Volga region" in the specialties 06.01.05 - breeding and seed production of agricultural plants. The main direction of scientific research is adaptive plant breeding, the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of selective work aimed at increasing the potential of plant productivity, general adaptability and resistance to diseases, plant breeding using modern methods, justification and improvement of the principles of ecological breeding and scientific seed production. Zakharov V.G. is the author of 28 varieties of spring soft wheat and 14 varieties of oats. Of these, 27 are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use. The varieties recommended for production are widespread in the Russian Federation and currently occupy at least 1 million hectares. As of 2020, in the Russian Federation, 2 varieties of spring wheat and 2 oats, the author of which is V.G. Zakharov, were included in the rating of 10 varieties of leaders in terms of seeding volumes in the Russian Federation. For the creation of wheat varieties in 2002, he was awarded the title of laureate of the regional prize named after A.A.Lyubishchev. The varieties created by him have been repeatedly awarded diplomas and medals at the All-Russian exhibition-demonstration "Day of the Russian Field" and International Innovation Forums. The total number of publications is 171, the author of 58 patents and copyright certificates for breeding achievements and inventions, articles in the international database Scopus and WoS - 8, articles in the publications of the list of HAC - 33. He is a member of the dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations at Kazan State University D 220.035.01 (specialties: 06.01.04 - Agrochemistry; 06.01.05 - Breeding and seed production of agricultural plants). |